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Trans & Non-binary violence

What do the Government do to support trans survivors of violence?

Are there efficient services available to gender non-conforming people who suffer and try to flee violence?

The answer is simply no.

Trans and non-binary people are being systematically failed.

28% of trans people experience violence, compared to 14% of cis

people. And 78% of those trans people didn’t access the support they needed.

This failure stems from but not limited to

- The services available not being trans friendly, or the client might feel their service hasn’t dealt with gender non-conforming clientele before.

- Services might outrightly hold transphobic guidelines to who they help.

- Lack of visibility and representation of LGBT+ issues from police

training material and guidelines, public materials, websites and within physical organisational spaces.

 - Lack of established partnerships within LGBT+ organisations, that

result in lack of referral pathways and knowledge on availability and

resources on how best to support the client.

- Services might rely on myths and stereotypes which contribute to the misunderstanding or minimising the experience of LGBT+ people.

The Government must do more.

The services that do support trans and non-binary people are underfunded. They can not provide more than the basic, and this also stops more organisations being founded.

The Government must do more.

We need long-term funding to provide a better training for organisations to provide stable support.

The Government must do more.

Trans people are twice as likely to be victims of crime in England and Wales, so there must be efficient and trained services to provided caring and understanding support.

Galop is a LGBT+ anti-violence charity and LGBT+ hate crime helpline, who provide support, research, advice, and lobbying around the issues of policing in the UK for LGBT+ people.


020 7704 2040
Trans & Non-binary