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What countries support Israel?

- Via Congressional research service: 'Israeli military occupation has been supported by US aid with $3.8bn a year paid for by U.S. tax dollars since 2016 fo the next 10 years' - also supported by other colonial countries eg Canada, Australia, France, Belgium

- Israel maintains diplomatic relations with Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, UAE, Sudan, Morocco, Oman,

- Israel has relations with Greece, Cyprus, China and India because of the growth of Israel's tech economy.

- Israel has been a member of the United Nations since 11 May 1949.

- BDS list --> list of companies to boycott that support Israel - http://bdsguide.com/bds-list/

- 'More than 100 British universities have over £454m (about $600m) invested in companies complicit in Israeli violations of international law, research from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has claimed'

- 'Imperial College London, which has £2,995,670 in investments in [Cisco Systems]' - supports Israels military

- 'The University of Oxford is the highest offender, with an estimated £130,447,800 of investments in complicit companies.'
'Zionist Logic' - Malcolm X on Zionism http://www.malcolm-x.org/docs/gen_zion.htm


Template to write to MPs - https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/sheikhjarrah