Feminist Publishing


As a collective, our intention is to raise awareness and demand change on intersectional issues that may not affect us all, but should nonetheless concern us all.

Our aim is to disrupt conventional forms of publishing and authoritarian authorship. We want to distort the way we distribute information.

Posters in themselves serve to disrupt - both traditional distribution methods and the spaces in which they occupy. By reclaiming public space, the viewers are confronted with issues that they would otherwise ignore.

We want to mirror the urgency of dispensing information with the urgency of making the posters.

Our posters are temporary, made with the awareness that they will naturally deteriorate or be torn down. Within publications and the art world, status is given to the notion of 'The Original'. We disagree with this position. We use repetition to reject this one-of-a-kind perspective.

We mass create smaller copies of these posters as well as stickers to form an archive of resources. Archives act as means of organising and distributing information curated to serve a specific purpose. This allows our posters to exist beyond the public space, introducing another means of distribution. The posters can be removed, photocopied and replaced, or additional posters can be added before passing the work onto the next person. Rather than limiting it to complete, finished work, we encourage addition and development within this publication. It has been made to be read and shared as fast as possible.

Pass it around to friends and the public.

Our posters allow a greater number of people to be exposed to these issues, giving them entry to resources via the QR code; making the research accessible and opening up the opportunity for education as well as support and proactivity through change via petitions and actions. Researching issues can be overwhelming and people may avoid discussing issues due to a lack of education; our attached resources allow an easy way to access this and removes some of the stress of finding reliable sources.

This is intended for the reader to add their own narrative, their own posters and pass them on. No one ever owns this publication, it must always be in transit. What you hold in your hands is both an archive and a resource.

The archive is unstable and rejects hierarchal structures.

The structure of this archive is intended for the reader to contribute to the gathering of information.

Please add to this archive and remove information to share.

Act on this information.

Leave this resource in the public for others to find.

Download a digital copy of this archive where you can print/access the full amount of pages to keep the momentum going.

This collective isn't just about us, it's about you too.
Kill the bill
Police Brutality
Unpaid domestic care
Trans & Non-binary violence